Full industry 4.0 solutions to solve from supply chain issues to the generation of value for products in the bike shops.
Audax Bike believed in the potential of BikeHero's platforms. It integrated its production process through the Smart Serial Number Technology™ to integrate its production processes and have a more accurate and controlled industrial environment through Industry 4.0 concepts. Besides generating value in the production chain, it opened a new world of possibilities to offer new services to retailers and cyclists.
About Audax Bike
Audax Bike emerged in 2015 as a premium bicycle brand of the Claudino Group, which until then had operated in the Brazilian segment of popular bicycles with the brand Houston. Audax arrived in the Brazilian market with a very audacious proposal and impressive investments to build one of the most developed bicycle manufacturing parks in the world, in Manaus, northern Brazil.
All bike designs are developed in Brazil, including aluminum frame molds, carbon fiber frames, full-suspension bikes, and other technologies. This aspect values national manufacturing in a market dominated by foreign competitors. In addition, the paint on Audax bikes is liquid, developed in-house and with technology combined with the heat treatment of the aluminum frames.
Since 2020, the brand has invested heavily in technology. Given this, new products have been presented with a new dynamic concerning quality, design, innovation in manufacturing processes, and strict quality control.
The challenge
The first project between Audax and BikeHero was born from a fundamental need to offer a bicycle insurance solution to the brand's customers as a differential when purchasing a product. With the successful implementation of this project and the development and launch of the SSN™ Technology, Audax saw value in being a pioneer in using the Smart Technologies. This would lead to connectivity and interaction with the cyclist and bring differentials for the brand's resellers and in the manufacturing processes still in the factory.
Audax is proud to be the first bicycle brand in the world to implement the SSN™ technology, which has transformed processes within the factory, integrated and generated results for partner bike shops, and, most importantly, has given cyclists advantages such as free insurance integrated with the sales, accessibility to warranty processes and brought the brand an infinity of data on trends and consumption.
Why BikeHero
From the beginning, Audax Bike considered BikeHero's expertise in generating value in insurance programs through technology, as we were doing with Specialized Brazil and its program.
After implementing this project, BikeHero and Audax understood it was time for a more expressive challenge. SSN Technology was in the final round of development, and Audax accepted the challenge of implementing it as a customized solution for production processes, quality control, and all the integrativeness that this solution could bring to the brand.

The Impact
The entire solution was developed in 3 stages, the first of which was the construction of a personalized insurance journey for Audax customers accessed through a tag attached to the bicycles and fed at the time of sale by the bike shop. The company subsidized insurance offers allowed its customers to contract more complete and much more advantageous insurance than any other available in the Brazilian market, besides becoming a new source of revenue for the partner retailers.
The pre-activation of the tag inside the assembly line of the Audax factory allowed the direct interaction between the team in the industry and BikeHero's development team for the development of precise measurements at each stage of assembly, delivering insights that were not available until then, that provided at the same time, greater control of events during production, as a faster process of tag activation by the customer.
The completion phase was incorporating BikeHero technology in the generation of serial numbers and with the complete integration of customer services and process measurements for the industrial, marketing, and commercial teams.
We at AUDAX are always concerned about offering the best experience for our customers, either in the performance of our bikes as in the additional services we can offer. In this sense we could not have anyone better than Bike Hero as a partner in the technological area. With its sense of pioneering, innovation and speed of response, this partnership puts us on the right track for the future.
Pedro Gomes - Audax Bikes Director
Great technology, very intuitive, congratulations on the simplicity!
Eduardo Junior - Audax Customer
Efficient registration system with well-explained step-by-step instructions.
José Augusto de Araújo - Audax Customer